Thanks for your prayers, everyone. Yesterday was a long, tiring day, but today has been our best so far. We packed up yesterday morning and then had eight hours to kill before we left our hotel in Changsha to go pick up Hope's passport and head to the airport. We stopped at the biggest Chinese food restaurant in the world and our guide ordered us some yummy soup made from a vegetable we'd never seen or heard of before. Hope had four bowls full. We also had a pork that had lots and lots of habanero-type peppers sliced in it. We were all sweating profusely after eating it but it was delicious if you like really spicy food. Our guide took us to the Changsha airport two hours early and then our plane was delayed an hour. So, after three hours of waiting, we finally boarded and took the hour flight we had to Guangzhou. If that one hour flight is any indication of how Hope will do on our twelve hour flight home next Friday, then we need lots and lots of extra prayer. It was a little rough. By the time we got to our hotel at 11:00 p.m. we were a bit bedraggled. However, a decent sleep and morning light brought refreshed perspective and we were happy to find that our new location on Shamian island in Guangzhou is much easier to navigate than Hunan for non-Chinese speakers. In fact, we even indulged in a very American meal (though much cheaper than in the U.S.) at Subway. The hotel we're staying at sees approximately 1500 American adoptees come through per year. In fact, Mattel has a contract with the hotel and supplies a toy room and gives every family a Barbie. We don't like Barbies, particularly, but Hope was thrilled and when you're stuck in a hotel for hours on end, any diversion for your child is appreciated. Of course, Steve was disappointed when he found out they're collectibles and could have been eBay-ed for over $200.00. This morning Hope had her physical and TB test (not a happy moment) and then we finished another pile of paperwork (the end of it, at last!!!). Aside from the TB test, we have had no major meltdowns today. Hope remains clingy in public, wanting to be held/carried most of the time, but is delightful when we're in the controlled, familiar environment of our room. This was, for all of us, a day that went by more quickly, and was a real blessing after yesterday. Again, thanks for your support! Also, we appreciate your emails and comments, it makes us feel more connected to all you when we're so far from home.
A picture of reality :)

The smile we love to see
Our hotel (and yes, that's smog)

Listening to a fiddler while on our walk

Enjoying our oasis in the middle of high rises

A taste of America

Tuckered out

Another picture of reality--sermon prep on the hotel bed

And another--laundry in the tub
Love the updates!! Praying for you as you complete this final week away from home.