Friday, May 28, 2010


It's already Friday. Next Friday we'll be in China, preparing to meet Hope in her province. It's impossible to express the emotions that run through your mind at a time like this so I won't even make the effort. Just know that we're excited that God has provided, through His people, the financial means to adopt this child, and the emotional support to wait out the process. Now please pray that Hope will know the Lord, that, as Kevin prayed last night, both her physical and spiritual heart will be healed, and that our family will sacrificially love one another whatever trials may come. Countdown? Six days until departure.


  1. Wow! You are up-and-at-'em early! Thank you for providing this link...We look forward to many posts as you travel and bring Hope to her new home!

    Love to you all,

    Bob & Jane

  2. Dear Walkers,
    We are SO excited for you! We will be praying as you bring Hope home...can't wait to meet her!
    With love,
    The Matt family

  3. We are with you in prayer & look fwd to meeting that special li'l girl! ;)

    Blessings, The Colletts

  4. I wait with great anticipation for some pictures of this little blessing!
